Sunday, December 20, 2009

Conscious- Mic Check

MIC CHECK 2. DMV in the building~~w/ DJ M.Nila
•December 20, 2009 • 1 Comment

As promised bringing to you.. the one and only Conscious representing the DMV…he has walked a long road..and its only just starting…

We’ll be uncovering more behind the artist later..but for now let’s get right into it…

1. Name- how did you come to your artist name? “Well, my artist name was actually derived from an old childhood friend who always pointed out my self-conscious tendencies in my youth, oddly enough I still hold those very same tendencies to this day. But as I matured and established a sense of direction for the music, I believe the name “Conscious” became very self-explanatory in means of what I represent and who I am as an artist. Social and political awareness became important topics in which I would dwell on so heavily to the point where it started to become relevant and influential in my music. I just feel with a name that’s as simple as “Conscious”, people will be able to identify with what I’m bringing to the table. Thus, there is no room for contradiction in my music as a “Conscious” artist.”

2.Best piece of advice you have ever gotten? “Always practice humility, stay true to yourself and maintain confidence. How can you expect the world to be confident in what you present, if you can’t even find confidence in yourself?”

3.Why are you an artist? ” I look back at the Renaissance period, how art and literature dominated throughout the 14th-16th centuries, and it was just amazing how influential one’s work can be on society. Artistry gives you the freedom to express your thoughts, ideas and opinions like no other. Thats what I love about hip hop. There is no boundaries..there is no limitations and you are free to give the people all of you through your craft. Not to mention, I LOVE HIP HOP! Thats why I’m an artist”

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